A beautiful shrub all year round, for monospecific hedge or to isolate as specimen. Due to its vigorous erect growth, it is very easy to mount in stem.
Photinia are evergreen shrubs of East Asian origin. The fraseri hybrids were initially selected by Fraser nurseries (Alabama, 1955) and are a spontaneous cross of glabra (Japan) x serrulata (syn serratifolia, China). 'Red Robin' is the first bright colored selection in these hybrids, made in New Zealand in the 1970s. LOUISE 'McLarlou' is a variegated natural mutation found on a branch of 'Red Robin' at the McLarens Nurseries in Glasgow in 2008.
This selection comes from McLAREN'S NURSERIES near Glasgow in Scotland. The plant is more erected and of a more light red than PINK MARBLE® 'Cassini'. The foliage is variegated red and pink on young leaves, then turns green and cream.