A legendary tree, with magnificent golden yellow color (even after falling of the leaves: golden yellow carpet covering the ground), without known disease or pest.
The GINKGO biloba is dioecious, the plants resulting from sowing are therefore male or female. The females form ovules whose envelope gives off a strong smell of rancid butter once they have fallen to the ground.
High tree native to southeast China where it was planted near the monasteries, which saved it from extinction. It is a very old relic species, the Ginkgoaceae family being the oldest known family of trees (appeared before the dinosaurs). It is part of the prespermaphytes (before the appearance of seed plants).
The tree, deciduous, has an erected shape and forms tiers of more or less oblique branches. Its leaves are in the form of a fan split into 2 lobes (biloba), with parallel unbranched ribs.