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8 and 9 cm pot liners

Godet de 8 Godet de 9
We produce a wide variety range of strong pot liners. They are produced after one (6 months to 1 year) season production cycle. The potting time is mentioned with the european code : 1/1 or 0/1/1 for spring potting and 1/2 or 0/1/2 for autumn potting.
We are aiming to produce a well ramified plant, mechanically pinched at least 2 or 3 times.

1/1P8-9 seedlings potted on in 8 or 9 cm pot - 2 years
1/2P8-9 or 2/1P8-9 seedlings potted on in 8 or 9 cm pot - 3 years
1x0P8-9 1 year seedlings potted on in 8 or 9 cm pot
0/1/1P8-9 cuttings in 8 or 9 cm pot - 2 years
0/1/2P8-9 or 0/2/1P8-9 cuttings in 8 or 9 cm pot - 3 years
-1/0P8-9 root cutting in 8 or 9 cm pot - 1 year
X/1/0P8-9 grafts in 8 or 9 cm pot - 1 year
X/2/0P8-9 grafts in 8 or 9 cm pot - 2 years
X/1/1P8-9 transplanted grafts in 8 or 9 cm pot - 2 years
TC/1/1P8-9 tissue culture cuttings in 8 or 9 cm pot - 2 years
TC/1/2P8-9 or TC/2/1P8-9 tissue culture cuttings in 8 or 9 cm pot - 3 years
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